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Multiple Mini-Interviews

What is an MMI?

An interview format that consists of 6-10 interview stations, each focused on a different questions or scenario. 

How does it work?

There are 6-10 stations that are set up round-robin style. At each station, you have 2 minutes to read the prompt and organize your thoughts and then 5-7 minutes to discuss with the interviewer. Overall, it can last around 2 hours. 

What types of stations are there?

1. Scenarios involving interactions with an actor or a medical school's standardized patient.


2. An essay writing station which could take longer than the other stations.


3. A standard interview station.


4. A teamwork station where candidates must work together to complete a task.


5. An ethical scenario involving questions about social and policy implications.


6. A "rest" station to help students catch their breath and relax.


...and more! (Could be more school specific)

Why do schools use it?

1. Research shows MMIs provide a more reliable assessment of the candidate.


2. Rate candidates on the same standardized scale.


3. Minimizes biases by allowing students to be evaluated by multiple interviewers. 


4. Allows medical students, faculty, admission reps, and other community members to participate in interviews.


5. Applicants have multiple chances to showcase their skills.


Up to 10 chances to make a good first impression!

What are admission committees looking for?

1. MMIs assess communication, ethics, critical thinking, teamwork, and opinions on health care issues, not hard scientific knowledge. 


2. See how candidates think on their feet.


3. Show your thought process: What additional information would you need to give an informed answer? How can you look at the scenario from a different perspective?


4. No right or wrong answer.

What can I do to prepare?

1. Utilize your self assessment form from the committee letter process.


2. Find mock scenarios online.


3. Practice! Work with a friend, use InterviewStream, schedule a mock interview with the Career Education Center, use the time constraints. 

What are some general interview tips?

1. Prepare tailored, persuasive answers to the "Why?" questions: Why this school? Why this profession? Why now?


2. Highlight your NACE career competencies: Illustrate your unique value, strengths, and skills through stories and examples.


3. "Show your work," or critical thinking, in answers to ethics questions: What is the logic behind your decisions?


4. Demonstrate your awareness on multiple levels: Show awareness of yourself, the field, legal implications, and resources.


5. Be mindful of your verbal and nonverbal communication: How are you presenting yourself?


6. There is no replacement for practice: Reach out to the Career Education Center for interviewing resources and preparation. 

Interview Resources

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